We voted...now we wait!

8:00am:  Wake up, take dogs out, greet Dad visiting for the morning on his way back home.

9:00am:  Head out to vote down the street

9:30am:  Make breakfast, eat at a leisurely pace w/ dad, check email, watch news, straighten up the house.

Early afternoon:  Dad goes on his way; continue doing small chores around the house.

2:45-6:30pm:  Teach

7:00pm:  Head home, have dinner w/ hubby, sit down to watch election coverage.

9:45pm:  Glued to the couch, stomach churning, biting nails, still awaiting election results.  Nerve wracking.

Tomorrow morning:  Planning an outdoor run.

Will it be a relieving, victorious run...or a workout requiring blowing off steam and frustration:  Unknown.


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