Run for Boston

I'm meeting a friend later this afternoon to go for a run in participation of the "Run For Boston" movement that is going on today.  Normally, I would scoff at events like this, probably musing, "what difference will that actually make? Who cares if you go for a run or not?"
But this is...different.  This isn't politics.  This is running.  People may sometimes run for a cause, but I think it's safe to say that most do it for themselves.  It's an individual thing.  That message is so important to me.  The individual.  Running is an interesting "sport" because, well, it's not so much a sport that involves a team.  You literally are looking out for yourself, and yet, it seems to be one of the most unselfish physical activities out there.  Runners as a whole are so supportive, encouraging and inspiring (okay, perhaps there are a few in the bunch who are competitive assholes--but that's not the point!).  Even if one isn't a runner or has no interest in one, watching runners push through and endure can be an inspiring thing to witness.
I saw this meme on some other blog and thought it was spot on:

Right?  But I'll go a step further and say, perhaps, Americans, are the wrong group to target (and please, I'm not trying to spurt a political discussion here or give off a "let's start another war, yeah! for simply the same reasons.  This country may have had drastic changes over the course of its relatively short existence in comparison to other countries, but I think the spirit of this country is like no other.

*Disclosure:  I just spent the last 30 minutes working on an explanation of the FB events that happened a few weeks it through and then thought, "Nah, nobody wants to read this s**t".  You know why?  In light of what happened yesterday, all the petty drama that we all go through is NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to losing a loved one.  I've moved on from all the drama, it changed me and it changed me for the better, but I am making a promise to never think about it again.  If I dwell on it, either by thinking about it, talking about it with someone, or writing about it on here, then I haven't REALLY moved on.
And your welcome, for saving you five precious minutes by not having to read nonsense :)


Shelley said…
I'm glad you're running today - it just feels right, doesn't it?

BTW, the Run For Boston movement was started by the race director of my town's marathon. Small world, eh?
Valerie said…
Yay for running!

And I would have happily read about your FB drama...if anything to distract my mind from all the other drama. Oh well! I'm glad you're taking a very healthy approach to it.
Gaby said…
@Shelley--it felt good, for sure. That is so cool about your town's race really is a small world :)

@Valerie--haha, I wrote it in so much detail, too...but in the end, it just felt so wrong to publish my stupid petty drama/crap when comparing it to what has been going on this week. To me, it was cathartic, for someone else it just probably would seem silly! ahhhh

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