Book recommendation of: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

A friend posted this article from the WSJ on Facebook, and I loved it so much, I bought the book that part of the article is taken from for my Kindle.  It's a good read, and I found myself laughing out loud during the parts that were just so typical of the 'strict Chinese mother'.  I myself didn't particularly experience as hardcore of an Asian upbringing as the author's two daughters--and most second or third generation Asians--did, but I do see it among certain relatives on my father's side, and as a violin teacher, I notice the difference in parenting styles b/t East and West.

The book is called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua and I found it particularly fascinating as a teacher (and perhaps everlasting student of the violin myself) to catch a glimpse of how the stereotypical matriarch works with her child regarding academics and music lessons.  In this case, the author has two daughters who play piano and violin.  The eldest plays the piano and is the cherished, obedient daughter who dutifully does all that the mother wants her to do: endless hours of piano practice, never really resisting her mother's presence in her lessons or practice sessions.  The youngest, however, plays the violin [as was assigned to her by mom] and goes through phase of rebellion that really takes center stage throughout most of the book.

I highly recommend it, and for any Asian readers out there who experienced a similar, strict upbringing-- you will be very amused and entertained.


amy kelinda said…
Oh lord, this sounds like my childhood.... hahaha!

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