A quickie

This will be a quick post, because I'm scrambling to get some practicing in for the Poulenc Flute Sonata that I'm accompanying later this weekend, and my first students will be shortly trickling in before I know it.

I have to say, the Poulenc is really fun and unfortunately, I don't know too much about the composer or his works, so after this is over, I'm going to see what else I can get my hands on;  did he write a violin sonata?  I feel like he must have, but I've certainly never heard it or seen it.

Last week, one of my strings started unraveling and I knew it was time to order new strings.  No wonder they've been going out of tune for awhile now.  It doesn't feel like I changed them that long ago, but I'm a little relieved that it's not completely me.  It's my bad strings:P

Tomorrow is the beginning of February??  How did that happen so quickly!

Oh, and congrats to my Dad who recently announced he's retiring after 35+ years of working for the same company (he's an engineer).  Compared to the average retiree, he's still young (almost 58), but I feel like he's been talking about retirement ever since I was born.  Haha.  So I'm happy for him.

I guess that means the pressure is on for grandkids, since he and my mom will be at home together more.  I'll just pretend that I'm deaf whenever the topic is brought up. :P


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