A Pleasant Friday

This morning, when I went through most recent posts on my blogroll, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was one of the winners on one blogger's giveaway for a Rocco DiSpirito cookbook.  Lol, I'm one of those people that NEVER win a single thing, so that was a nice little nugget of fun for today.

Taught some students today, and I have some makeups to do tomorrow morning, but I'm not complaining. My last two students are combining lessons to work on their Bach Double, and it'll be more of  a coaching than a lesson, and I love those.

A student unknowingly implied today that I looked like Catherine Zeta Jones; it was cute, but I don't think he he was trying to compliment me...he was just chatty and kind of blurted out every thought that was going through his head all at once:  "Have you seen No Reservations?  My mom is making tiramisu today...have you had tiramisu before?  I wish I could have it, I'm not allowed to try it...."
After he was done with his rant, I asked what all that had to do with the movie and remembered and said, "Oh! yeah, your hair reminds me of that lady in the movie."

Okay, so my HAIR looks like Catherine Zeta Jones.  I'll take it.

Have a great weekend, everyone:)


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