Dinner menu and Broken Thumbs

About a year ago, I remember writing about how I wanted to cook more meals at home and eat out less--for both economical and health reasons--but that fizzled out after less than a week, and since then, I don't think I've successfully lived through a full week without copping out at least once for takeout.  I thought that if I planned the whole week's menu on Sunday, it would prevent me from caving and stopping at some drive thru or getting takeout--dead wrong.  Half-way through the week, if I looked at what I had planned on the menu and decided I didn't "feel" like that anymore, I just got something else different and thus, ruined my week long plan.

It's only Tuesday, so I probably shouldn't raise my hopes up too high, but I've been cooking at home since Sunday and not only has it been therapeutic, but it's made for a MUCH happier husband (I caught him jumping up and down for joy last night after he asked what I was making), a feeling of fulfillment knowing that I don't have to resort to 'junk' for dinner--and I even surprised myself by completely cleaning the kitchen afterward each dinner.  I know most normal people clear plates and wash them or load the dishwasher after meals....but um....I'm not normal.  And especially because I tend to come home later than most people because of my teaching schedule, I always use the excuse that I'm too wiped out to clean up since I already expended all my energy in making the meal in the first place.  Well, that hasn't happened for the last two days.  Probably b/c I spent so much time cleaning the kitchen on Sunday, I couldn't stand to ruin it afterwards.
Anyways, too much talk about cleaning, this is what I made for dinner the past three nights:

  • Eye of round steaks with creamy mashed potatoes, and steamed peas and carrots.
  • Honey Ginger Chicken, broccoli sauteed with soy sauce, and steamed rice
  • Sage rubbed pork chops w/ wine infused apple/pear sauce, mashed potatoes, and a spring salad w/ homemade balsamic dressing.
I think tonight is supposed to be pasta night, so I'm going to try to get started with the turkey meatballs before I head out to teach.  So sorry I don't have pictures.  That will have to change soon.

I was woken up this morning by a phone call from one of my students' moms;  when I listened to the voice message, I panicked b/c all she said was " I need to talk to you about a situation concerning so-and-so" and that was it.  No details telling me what the situation was, so of course the first thing (since I'm a jump-to-conclusions type person) I think is "oh no...did I say something mean or inappropriate to the little girl and she exaggerated it to her parents?"  but no...I went over our previous lesson over and over in my mind and couldn't think of anything...in fact the mom was there for part of the lesson--the harshest thing I remember saying was "your daughter needs to practice more".  Sigh, so I just decide to call the mom back and see what's up.  As it turns out of course, it's nothing I did--my student, after her lesson yesterday, was running around and somehow broke her thumb.  Yep.  Her mom woke me up this morning to tell me that her kid broke her thumb.  Towards the end of the conversation I realized the mom called me right away because she was just worried they'd lose their lesson spot if they took a break for this (they've had the same spot for the last four years--I can't believe that's how long I've lived in Columbus for).  I reassured her that they wouldn't lose their spot and we could continue lessons after her thumb healed.

A reminder to never jump to conclusions.  I have a feeling it's a knee-jerk reaction to all those years my mom made me feel guilty over teen-tiny things--no doubt a result of her former Catholicism.  But I'm slowly, gradually learning that not everything is my fault:)

Have a great Tuesday...


Anonymous said…
I do that same thing--assume the worst from vague messages, or assume I've done something wrong. I don't know why! Btw, those meal descriptions sound TASTY. I need to branch out more in my cooking.

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