Keep snowing, dagnabit!

Hmm...almost 3pm and only one student has canceled so far.  Another called to check and see if we were still having lessons, and since I'm already here [I left only an hour 1/2 early, lol] I told her we were.  I really hope there aren't any "no-shows"--people just assuming there aren't lessons and not bothering to call or email, because then that's just a whole lot of sitting around.  I do practice when I have little breaks like that, but sometimes I don't get a whole lot done during those snippets of practice time because once I start, I hate to stop--especially when I think I'm making headway on something.

I brought my laptop with me to the studio so I can check email and weather updates throughout the evening. I know I'm lame and behind the rest of the world with no iphone, blackberry or smartphone, but what can I say? I was brought up in a frugal, no nonsense home and married a fellow cheapskate who shares my frugal, no frills outlook on life:P  I don't even have text messaging, which annoys a lot of people.  But I say, if it's important, you can call me and tell me over the phone, or leave a message.  I already have this blog and other blogs to distract need for another petty distraction!


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