Boring, boring.

I admit, I've been avoiding writing a post--should I be doing other things other than writing this? Yes.  Is it absolutely necessary to write a post even if one feels that they have nothing interesting to say?  No.  But here I am!
I don't know.  I guess it's kind of like when I call my mom just to check in:  most of the time I don't have any exciting news, but I don't want to go for days without calling just because I'm not able to say this over the phone: "Congrats! You're going to be a grandma, yay!"  That's what my parents are hoping for each time I call....but it's not going to happen.  Not yet, at least.

So this particular post is like that.  I wish I could write about some spectacular happening in my life right now, something super duper exciting to engage my reader in.  But it's just 'ol me checking in.  I did absolutely nothing exciting over the weekend, except go to a gun show with my hubby.  But obviously, that was his idea and I was dragged along for the ride.  The only thing that interested me there was some gun owner's Lhasa Apso that was incredibly cute and made me want to go out and get another type of terrier.  Contrary to common belief, however, everyone there were incredibly nice and funny.  I'm personally scared of guns, and I've refused every time my husband has asked me to go shooting at the range, but it has nothing to do with my being against guns, and everything to do with me being a girly girl and just being plain scared to hold one.  I fired a shotgun once, because I was forced to, and the kickback hurting my shoulder was enough to keep me away for awhile.
I wish I could be a badass and like them and want to go to the gun range.  Maybe one day I'll work up the nerve, but for now, it's definitely not high on my list of things to do.

Speaking of hurt shoulders, one of my adult students is a runner and came into her lesson today complaining of shoulder pain.  It wasn't from playing the violin, but from running apparently.  How does one hurt a shoulder running?
Well, that reminds me, I won't be able to run the Frigid 5K that I was hoping to, because of my teaching schedule and some coaching that I've got to do for some students.  I made a list of races I wanted to do this year, so I'll have to dig that up and figure out when the next one is.  It's okay, I wasn't really looking forward to running in the cold just yet anyways.

I'm exhausted (just got back from teaching not that long ago--thankfully, made a chicken pot pie earlier in the day, so it just had to be stuck in the oven), so I'm going to drag myself upstairs to bed.

Until next time!


Anonymous said…
Easy to hurt your shoulder--tension! Same way we do it for violin, right? After my first half marathon my shoulder hurt for a week. For my second, I made SURE to focus on relaxing my arms and shoulders. No shoulder pain...though I still need to work on my fist clenching.

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