It's Hard to Say Goodbye

You'd think that after teaching for a good part of the last ten years, I'd be accustomed to students coming and going--life just happens and I've had a good number of students in the last few years leave due to moving to another part of the country (or abroad).  But yesterday, one of my favorite violin students walked in and her mom said, "We have to tell you something..."  Ugh, I knew.  But it was still a shock, and it was a very last minute thing with them, too.  They're moving to L.A. and next week will be her last lesson with me.  My little student (a Korean girl, about 9 or 10) ran out of the room while her mom told me the news because she was afraid she'd start crying.  *sniffle*
I have to admit, I surprised myself when I developed a little lump in my throat as I tuned her violin; I mean, I have NEVER gotten emotional over a student leaving...a little sad that I can't be the one who continues teaching them...but never to the point of actually crying or spending any longer than a few moments thinking about it.  I actually got that lump again this morning when I started thinking about this student.  I think next week will be hard--one of the hardest good-byes so far.

I know that as a music teacher, I just play one of several influences in a student's life--but this little incident reminds me of how much THEY affect me, as well.  I'm already concerned about whether these students who move on will continue playing their instruments, and if they do, if they will obtain a good teacher who will nurture and care as much as I did about their development.  I feel like a darn parent!

So before I completely fall apart and lose it, I will remember that this is all a part of life...this cycle that keeps going...students come and go, and even if they stay, they grow up and move on to other things.  I feel like I'm the one staying the same, but just like them, I'm "growing" and changing, too.


Hannah said…
They will come and go, and someday you might move too. But you can still be sad :(

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