Monday night's dinner

Last night's dinner was chicken pot pie (I know, I make that an awful lot, I can't help it!) and my brother ate it!  He actually had two big helpings, which made me happy.  The boy will be getting a lot of meat this week b/c the hubby can't stand meals without meat in it.  Trust me, I tried to trick him once into eating an only veggie meal and it fell flat.  He did eat it--there was no other choice--but there was some whining involved.  Truth be told, I didn't like it so much myself, either.
I'm a bit of a compromise-maker, however.  For lunch, I've been making no-meat meals for myself and my brother.  Yesterday's lunch was a provolone and tomato sandwich on a French baguette.  I really liked it and didn't notice the absence of meat at all.  For today's lunch, I'll be making lentil soup, which my brother and I both like since our mom made it all the time growing up.
For tonight's dinner, I'm planning chicken tikka masala with rice.  Who could turn that down?!

Sorry this is short, but I need to run to the grocery store to get a few more things for tonight's dinner and get it all done before teaching later on.  It's only Tuesday but I'm already getting excited for the weekend:(


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