Memorial Day 2011

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!  Getting ready to eat some barbecue on my parents' deck, and will probably leave later on today for Columbus:(  The weekend went by so fast, but it's always nice to come down here.

Did the Pvt. Heath Warner Memorial Day 5K this morning, and was a little dismayed when I got close to the finish line to see that my time was significantly slower than a year ago!  What the heck?!  I finished in 31'03"  Last year I was around 29 minutes and at the last 5K I did a few weeks ago, I was at 28 minutes.  Argh.  Whatever.  It was still a fun race and this is one of those races that I can see myself doing annually on a regular basis.

My hubby was a nut and actually ran TO the race (although he did not run the actual race) which was about the distance of a half-marathon.  He left around 6am-ish and arrived at the McKinley monument around when the race started.  Crazy.  Maybe I'll be a nut someday and do that next year.

Because of the holiday, I only have a four-day work week, and will also have a short week next week because I'll be leaving for Las Vegas!!  Can't wait:)

It's barbecue time-  hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!


Any amount of running lables you a nut in my book. safe in vegas...and just remember that VEGAS will haunt play responsibly.

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