A Wonderfully Long Saturday...

I wanted to write this post last night, but I was so tired; I was really excited about the photo shoot and how the pictures turned out, so I had to share at least one!

So here's how the day started:

Ryan and I woke up at 6am to get ready for Race for the Cure in downtown Columbus.  We picked up a friend along the way and arrived downtown around 7:15.  Since the competitive runners got a head start by 10 minutes, I'm guessing my time (based on the clock at the finish line) was around 27-28 min. for the 5K.  I wasn't wearing a watch or my mp3 player because judging from last year's race, I knew I wouldn't want to miss all the bands and action going on on every corner.  I especially looked forward to the motorcyclists towards the end.  However, I got a little too excited giving bikers 'high fives' and definitely sprinted through that part only to end up feeling like throwing up.  So I had to slow down right before finishing, unfortunately:(

After it was over, we met up with Ryan's coworkers and some of my friends who also did the race, and collected bags of Myoplex and power bars.  We then met at a First Watch for breakfast where I had a Southwest crepegg and a blueberry pancake.  Now that I'm thinking about it, I really want blueberry pancakes right now.  I'll have to do something about that once I'm done with this post.:P

We then returned home where I had to immediately change clothes (no time for shower:( ) for my last student spring recital of the year.  I checked FB briefly (because it's an addiction) and noticed that a local photographer I know had put up a casting call for a personal project she wanted to do.  She called for the subject to be "Asian, b/t 18-35 y/o". I emailed her and asked if she still needed someone (and if I qualified, too, ha) and she responded right away saying "Yes!"  So right after my recital, I drove back home and changed into a white outfit (that I didn't mind getting soiled) and headed out to the The Hoover Dam Reservoir to meet Amy Parrish.  We met up at a parking lot and walked through a wooded trail that led to a really surreal looking setting on the lake.  Since Amy didn't want to throw me into the water right away (lol) we took the first couple shots on land with a white satin sheet wrapped around me and with a tulle veil over my head.  We also tried a few with the mask on, which she ended up using for some photos on her blog.  Then it was time to get int he water.  Ugh.  Once I was in, it was totally fine--got a few curious stares from a group of boys on a nature walk and some families walking through with their dogs--but it was still a lot of fun.  To get over feeling self conscious, I just pretended I was on Top Model.  That helped. (Even though I could never be on that show, being 5'1")  Last, I needed to get fully submerged and THAT was where it started to feel cold.  It was also getting a little darker, so no more warmth from the sun.  We finished just in time as it started drizzling as we walked back to the parking lot.  Amy worked fast on getting those pictures out on FB and on her blog, so I was able to see them when Ryan and I returned from a late night at a friends house.
Here, you can view the other photos that she took:


So with a day that started at 6AM and ended at 2AM, it wasn't hard to fall asleep and I slept in pretty late (more than I cared to) this morning.  I don't think I'll go for a run today since I ran the last four days in a row.  I also didn't realize that it's probably not a good idea to run a lot leading right up to a race.  My husband mentioned the word "tapering" and I just laughed at it.  Until my legs hurt yesterday before the race.  So next time, I'll remember to "taper".
Next 5K on the calendar:  The Pvt. Heath Warner Memorial Day 5K in Canton, OH.  Did that one last year, too and loved it.  I can't wait to do it again this year.

Well, it's lunchtime, but that's not going to stop me from making blueberry pancakes!  Hope everyone had a great weekend:)


Hannah said…
Gorgeous photos! And I'm jealous of your 5k time :)
Gaby said…

Oh, and I think the only reason my 5K time is what it is at every race is because I do sprints here and there--I'm one of those runners that likes to pass people--a lot.

I'm a LOT slower when I'm running by myself or with a friend, because I take my sweet time. The other day, I swear it took me 45-50 min. to do 3.8 miles.

My husband put everyone else to shame, though. He finished in 21 minutes.:(
Beautiful, beautiful photographs! What a neat experience!

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