Miss the weekend already:(

Here's what I did this weekend:

Saturday morning- Spring recital for students, where a large majority of my students did NOT take their bows. Argh!  It stood out enough for a fellow teacher to ask me, "what was up with that?"  *fume* I worked on this all week with students, but I think a lot of them got nervous and/or were very unhappy with how they sounded and didn't do a good job hiding their dismay.  Will need to work on this with them...

Right after the recital, I hopped in my car and made the two hour drive to Canton to spend the rest of the weekend with my parents for Mothers Day.  Hung out at home rest of the evening.

Sunday morning/afternoon: Went to church with parents, Indian buffet afterwards where we met my younger brother and somehow ended up more or less convincing my parents that they need to get a dog.  After lunch, we hit Target and then Petsmart where my dad encounters a rescue dog that the local shelter brought to encourage animal adoption.  I'm pretty sure my dad's heart melted a little when this dog couldn't leave his side.  Even my cold-hearted mom (j/k!) was open to the idea of a dog.  Guess this is what happens to retired empty nesters.

Oh, and I got these shoes while we were out:

I'm now back at home and sorely wish I was still in Canton hanging out with my parents.  Here goes another week of teaching:}  MUST get a few runs in this week for Race for Cure this Saturday.  Gotta go... 


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