Fish: It's what's for dinner!

We really like fish around here.  But when we have it, I tend to get the same thing over and over again, which happens to be salmon.  I LOVE salmon--I could almost very well eat it every a certain extent.  But the hubby, on the other hand, can only handle salmon once in awhile.  He prefers white fish.  So I bought orange roughy the other day.  It's very delicate and flaky. I prepared it simply, with s & p, butter and paprika and it was enjoyable.  I served it with roasted brussels sprouts and mashed sweet potatoes.

I know salmon has its wonderful benefits, but it's nice to change it up once in awhile.  Any other kinds of fish you would recommend?  How do you usually prepare it?

It's getting HOT around here.  Temps in the 80's...and of course, our central air had to stop working!  I feel terrible for our poor, non-shedding dogs:(  I was going to try to run today, but it's too hot; I'm going to wait until later this evening when, hopefully, it has cooled down.  I'm SO glad the half marathon starts EARLY this Sunday: 6:30am!  The only thing I'm not looking forward to is having to get up at probably 4 in the morning in order to get a parking space and find my corral.

In other news, still trying to work on getting Fridays off permanently.  A couple of months ago, I was thinking about my teaching schedule and it suddenly dawned on me that I've never gone over a certain number of students, and in an efficient world, I should be able to teach the number I've been teaching in four days instead of five.  I've been wasting a day on a handful of students who SHOULD be able to find a spot some other day.  So, I'm in the process of telling parents and finding out which ones are agreeable in changing. As I fully expected, there were one or two (and maybe a few more to come) who sort of gave a stink about it and insisted I keep that extra day for them because it just "worked better for them".  Um, well, if it comes down to just you and one other person...sorry, not going to drive 30 minutes to my studio to teach two people for one hour and then drive back home.  My mindset now is--if your schedule is more important than staying with a teacher you like, then I don't think I mind losing you as a student.

I may lose students, but I'm standing my ground (but not in a George Zimmerman kind of way) on keeping Fridays closed off to students.  2012 is the year of saying "yes" to me and "no" to anything that gets in the way of my happiness!!


Valerie said…
Yummm, fish! It looks so tasty.

I think blocking off Fridays is perfectly acceptable. I need to consider doing the same thing since the only day I have off is Sunday.

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