I am SOOO ready for Summer

Sorry for the negative tone last post!  Wow, I guess I was just fed up.  It happens, and sometimes I just need to vent.

The rest of this week finds me teaching the next few days, and then I'm off this Friday to head out early for the 100 mile relay that begins at 6:00AM Saturday morning, and ends around 9AM Sunday.  It's going to be a long weekend:(

And, of course, while the rest of society has Memorial Day off, I will be teaching (I suppose I don't really need to, but I'd rather get everyone's lessons in now so no one is bugging me later when I go off to Aspen, CO later this summer).  When I think about it, it's actually not that bad.   Honestly, the only real thing that makes me feel worse about teaching on holidays is that the hubby is usually off, and it'd be nice to spend it with him.

But it's okay--in a couple weeks, we'll be in Kentucky for a reunion, I'll be getting most Fridays off this summer, and then a highly anticipated vacay in Aspen in July!  It'll be here before we know it!!

I picked my dad up from the airport last night and my mom is arriving from Argentina later on today.  I'm glad they're back, I missed them.  Lots of interesting stories and pictures from their trip.  Plus, my dad managed to bring back facturas (pastries) from Buenos Aires.  Mmmm, I missed these so much.  Last time I had media lunas (lightly sweetened and flaky croissants) was nearly 10 years ago.
Like how I ripped the package open?!  I was ravenous, I guess...

This past weekend, I hung around my parents' house hanging out w/ my grandma.  Took a few pictures of their landscaping, and my old college cat, Fredo, managed to pose for a few of them:

Yes, I know you hate me for being a "traitor" since becoming a professed dog-lover. Get over it.
Oh, I bore you?  Excuse me...
My mom designed the curvy pathway to the front door...isn't it neat?!  Maybe I should have done some weeding while I was there...oh well.

And finally, a little snack from yesterday:

Butter bean, grape tomato and red onion salad w/ dried cranberries.  I think it might be an idea from Rachael Ray, but I added cranberries for sweetness.  I need to eat more legumes, they're so good for you!!

That's it for now!  Hopefully will update more on the running and relay race later this week.:)


Valerie said…
It sounds like you have a fun summer planned!

On another note, when I first saw the picture of those pastries I thought it was a deformed foot. I guess my eyes are just kind of odd like that!
Gaby said…
Lol, I guess the picture doesn't do it justice, but trust me, they're delicious!

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