Relays? No thank you.

Just wanted to write a short post to assure everyone that, yes, the 100 mile relay did happen over the weekend and I WILL write about it in more detail later, but in all honesty, it did NOT go as well as I had hoped, nor was it as enjoyable as I had hoped it would be.  Some things happened that left me in a bad mood; as a result, I'm dragging my feet on writing about it.  I'm also trying to allow a few days for my bad moody-ness (that's not a word, I know!) to dissipate.  I don't want to write/say anything that I'll regret later on.

That being said....I only ran 8.5 miles for the relay:( I know...BOO!  I hurt my knee in between my first and second leg.  I don't even know why, but I was stretching while standing around at one of the gazillion check points, and just did some stupid second position ballet stretch that must have tweaked my knee, and from there on, my left knee HURT. Stupid.

We returned home on Sunday morning and spent the day with my parents, who had come up to stick around and watch our dogs for us.  My mom was so sweet and did a ton of ironing and cleaning while we were away.  She even freakin' cleaned our trash can--I walked over to throw something away last night, and suddenly realized that the thing was SPARKLING.  Thanks, Mom!!

Although yesterday was a holiday, I still went in to teach although a handful of people didn't show up (thanks for letting me know!).  I didn't mind so much, but again, it's a little harder when your spouse has the day off and you don't :(

It's okay, I have this Wednesday off so it's all good.  No plans for this weekend (thank goodness), but two weeks from this weekend we'll be off to KY for a reunion and I might possibly be making an extended trip out of it w/ my parents to Nashville, TN to visit friends.  I'm on the fence about canceling students to go, but I haven't seen these family friends in forever so I'm thinking I should just go and not worry about work.

It's been HOT, but thankfully, we got our central air finally fixed, so things are cool around here.  Pups are grateful!

Once my disgust for how things went at the relay melts away, I promise I will post some pics and more details on it.  One sure thing that I got out of it:  I'm never doing a relay again!  I am definitely an individual runner girl. The relay was for an awesome cause, so I'm not dissing that, but other things...yeah, I'll totally diss those.

Hope your holiday weekend was awesome!  Only 4 more days 'til the next weekend!!


Shelley said…
Well, now I'm totally curious! My husband wants to do a relay (there's a ridiculous one in Texas) but I'm not convinced...I think it sounds fun on paper, but all that van riding, staying up all night, eating crap just doesn't translate into quite the fun running event for me. Sorry you hurt your knee - that had to be frustrating on top of everything else!
Gaby said…
You pretty much summed up why it was so annoying and SO not worth spending a weekend doing it! I dunno, I guess one should try it at least once to see for themselves, and I know that this particular relay was probably different than other relays...but didn't leave a great impression on me.:(

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