What's Up, Yo?

Just a teeny update so I'm not completely off the radar:

- Haven't run since the Cincy half marathon.  No real excuses, except that I'm feeling slothful.

- Tried the rowing machine we own after watching the movie True Blue and getting pumped, only to get bored and exhausted after 15 minutes of doing that.  Plus, I got annoying blisters from the handle bars.  I'm not giving up on the rowing, but just haven't found the motivation to go back to it just yet.  I would like to incorporate other forms of physical activity other than running.  Maybe tennis or rock climbing?

-This sweet weather we've been having is giving me serious "senioritis", which is kinda silly considering that I don't actually get any kind of break during the summers since I'm a private music teacher and therefore, must keep teaching all year 'round in order to pay the bills.  I have re-organized my schedule, however, so that I get Fridays off this summer.  I'm hoping that I gain some kind of sanity back as a result.

- I'm doing this 100 mile relay next weekend, and while I think it will be a lot of fun, I'm also not looking forward to being completely disgusting by the end of the relay as we will all have been running for 24 hours in small legs.

- Counting the weeks off until our trips to Kentucky and then Aspen, CO for vacation!  Vacations can never come soon enough, but then once they do, they're over in a heartbeat. Whyyyyy?!?!

-The weekend is almost here!  I'll be going back home to be with my grandma while my parents are still in Argentina.  They get back next week--so excited to see them again!

What are you doing this weekend??


100 mile relay?! Oh girl, you don't need a second activity - I'm worn out just thinking about it, haha!
Gaby said…
woops, should have been more specific--five of us are splitting up 100 miles, so each person is doing 20 miles each, broken up here and there.
I'd die if I did 100 miles all by myself!

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