Lazy Saturday...just the way I like it!

After a hectic weekend last week, it was nice to just take it easy this weekend.  We got up around 9:45am, I made some lattes with my aeropress, and called my little brother to see if he was interested in getting some pizza for lunch.  We drove 30 min. south of Columbus to Grove City, OH where there's a pizzeria that has some amazing deep dish pizza.

We could each only handle one slice, so we have a lot left over to last for the next few days.  I also got some cheesecake to go (which I'm enjoying now!), and Ryan popped into a bakery we spotted driving not too far from Tristano's, and got a strawberry milkshake and some cookies.  We didn't want the fun to end there, so we then drove to the Eddie Bauer outlet.  I usually never see anything I like there, but today I found a black maxi dress that I liked--and it fit perfectly!  Usually dresses are too long on my vertically challenged frame, but this was just right.

Dropped my brother off and came home only to leave again to search for some new plants for our patio.  I'm always at a loss when it comes to gardening--plants and flowers always seem to die under my care, so for the longest time, I just let our back patio grow weeds and look ugly.  I wanted that to change this summer, so I compromised and am trying out potted plants.  I heard roses flourish well in almost any condition, so I got some today.  We had a piece of furniture sitting in our garage that I didn't know what to do with, so I tried this:

Not sure how I feel about it.  I was trying to be creative, but Ryan thinks it looks stupid:(  Any suggestions?  That tree is in a weird location so I have a hard time imagining what would go well in that area.  I also lack imagination for color and what plants would go well together, so I'm just experimenting at this point.  Here's the other side of the patio [these shrubs and trees were planted a few years ago, not my doing unfortunately]:

I dunno.  Maybe I should try hanging plants?  Anyways, that was our Saturday.  Just lounging around now.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend, too!


Valerie said…
I like the bit of furniture. You could open the doors and put a few smaller plants in there too. You could also try vine-growing plants around the furniture. Roses are good, or you could try wandering black-eyed susans or something like that. As for the trees and shrubs, you could always dig them out and replace them with something else.
Unknown said…
wow...It look so delicious!!


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