Off on Hump day

I was so hoping I could go for a run today, but my knee is still feeling a little "tweaky"; I bent down to refill my dogs' water bowl, and it hurt even doing that, so I'm going to have to lay off of it for awhile.  In the meantime, I need to do something, so I've been thinking about lifting weights.  Weights intimidate me, but I desperately need them!  I'll have to go into our garage and dig out some 5 & 10 lb. weights, then pick some lifting reps from my Women's Health magazines.  Have to start somewhere!

If I'm feeling empowered and energized after that, I may have to keep the party going downstairs on our rowing machine, if that's not a problem for my knee.  Other than that, catching up on emails, putting laundry away, watering plants, and possibly taking the dogs out for a walk if they can handle the heat.  Also, practicing a little violin as I'll be trying my hand out on some jazz improv w/ a fellow music teacher and his jazz band tomorrow.

Stay cool!


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