Early morning row

My precious yorkie, Zoe, woke me up at 5am this morning, panting for water; after letting the dogs get a drink and go out, I slipped back into bed expecting to fall asleep because I am NOT a morning person. Yeeah..that didn't happen. I lay there blinking my eyes, wide awake, thinking, "Great, now what?" 

So...I got my rowing workout done and out of the way for today!  How can I possibly be mad at my dogs for waking me up early when it just makes me more productive?  Ryan was grateful, too, as I had breakfast ready for him as he walked out the door to work this morning.  I actually like being up early in the morning...but I struggle w/ the part of actually waking up at the butt crack of dawn.  If our bodies didn't need slumber and it was only optional to sleep, I would totally forgo sleeping, lol.

I finally made an appointment to get my nasty split ends trimmed--will post pic later.  After that, Ryan will get home early so we can make the trip south for the Reds game tonight.  Excited!  Other than that, just a lazy Friday off, some lessons this weekend, and probably more rowing/running and doing errands.

My students are starting school in a matter of weeks, so now I'm already thinking of Fall and everything that goes with it: pumpkins, candles, boots, sweaters, leaves....I should probably put a harness on those thoughts--it's still in the 90's!


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