It's all about perspective...and enjoying some cookies, too

I'm noticing a pattern:  when I start to spend a little too much time on one thing and neglect everything else that's a part of my life, I get cranky, whiny, stressed, paranoid and overly indulgent in negative thoughts.

Basically, I need to do more of pretty much everything else and keep teaching in the background.  When I let my teaching job come to the forefront of everything, I let little stupid things get to me.  Maybe a look a parent or student gave me, their tone of voice, or perhaps even something they said that I read into a little too much.  I REALLY appreciate the comments you guys left me and for the varying thoughts after my last post; the conclusion I've come to is that, yes, I'm still evolving, still growing as a person, a musician and a teacher and I need to quickly remove any notion that there is an end in sight for it all.  There will always be room for modification, for improvement and I have to understand that that is not the same as saying that I "failed".

I've always done the best I could possibly do for my students--but I think now is the time to stop worrying about THEM all the time and start re-focusing on myself.  I am SO much happier after pretty much doing anything for myself.  Whether it's a workout, a good practice session, playing in my local orchestra(s), or even pulling weeds from my garden--I generally feel so much more centered and well balanced when I'm making time for the myriad of activities I enjoy and not just defining myself by merely what I do for a living.  Because God knows my life goal was definitely not to teach Twinkle variations day in and day out.

So with that said, I'd like to leave any "shop talk" out of my blog a little more (I'll leave a teeny bit of room for it in case of any need for a good vent or airing out) and focus more on the stuff I truly enjoy: performing and playing, running and working out in general, food, and...I guess basically anything BUT teaching. :)

I'm sure you also get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again, too. :P  Meeee too.


So last weekend, we went to another Reds game.  Went with my BIL and SIL,  and before the game we had lunch at Terry's Turf Club (GREAT burgers) and had some time to stop at Aglamesis Bros. for the best ice cream in the world.  Per usual, I didn't bring my camera and thus, do not have any interesting pictures for this post.  But seriously, if you ever find yourself in Cincinnati and can visit Aglamesis in Oakley, get one of their sundaes (I get the 2-step hot fudge) and you'll be in heaven.
Spending the day with my in-laws without their young kids was--I hate to admit it--so much more enjoyable.  They're just so much more pleasant without the kiddos.  That still doesn't stop me, though, from wanting my own someday.  Just not yet;)

Alright.  Time to crack out some of that chocolate chip cookie dough I made the other night and bake fresh cookies to cap off this Tuesday evening!

Thanks for being supportive, patient readers.  I know I can seem like a hot mess at times.  Hope you don't think I'm nuts!


Hot mess? Eh, that is just part of being a regular ole person, nothing wrong with that. Just like you said, keep mixing things up, keep doing the things you love! ;o)
Yum...enjoy the cookies. I have to agree with you, adulthood is not the static, "I've arrived" thing I once thought it was. Glad you are feeling better and mixing it up a little!

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