Hair: Before and After

Yesterday, after the curling iron:

Today, a new haircut (not sure how I feel about it yet):

Let's throw a little yorkie-poo into the mix:

*Confession:  I felt extremely uncomfortable taking pictures of myself, hence the stupid faces.  Thank you for your understanding:)

Whadya think about pseudo bangs? I think I'm digging them...but let's see how I feel tomorrow morning and am unable to style it exactly the way the hairstylist did today, and it ends up looking like poop. 


Cat Simmonds said…
Looking good, I love the cut and the bangs!
Shelley said…
I think you look cute - young and hip!
Valerie said…
I love the bangs! It's definitely very hip. How did the styling go this morning?
Gaby said…
The bangs were surprisingly hassle-free--my hairstylist did a good job w/ the cut. I just let it air dry and I was good to go!
Hannah said…
Love the haircut! You are so cute, and your dog especially :)

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