A short run and a row all in a day.

Ran a "quick" (for me) 2 miles this afternoon and then did a 5K on the rowing machine earlier this evening after dinner.  I'm sufficiently ready for bed now.

I'm disappointed to report that my workouts haven't been as regular as I would like; maybe 2-4 a week at most with the worst week only having 1 workout done (I was mad about that when I looked back at my schedule), so I really need to step it up in order to get into a better routine.  Doing two workouts today helped reignite my energy and motivation to keep at it, and on the days where I have more time, I'd like to do that so that I don't get too bored or stagnant with what I'm doing.

Of course, it's freezing outside nowadays, so I hopped over to our little gym to run.  Per usual, I was miffed to see more people there than I expected in the middle of a week day (don't these people have jobs?! Just kidding...they probably have weird schedules like mine), so I made it a short and sweet run and just tried to run harder than I usually do on the TD.  Normally, if I'm doing a longer run, I hover around 6mph.  Today, I gradually increased the speed until I arrived at 7.5, so my average pace ended up being 9:18.  That doesn't look great when I type it out, but I was dripping sweat and my heart was beating out of my chest, and that's what I was really going for.  Next time, I'll have to see if I can keep that up a little longer.

I've also slipped back into my bad habit of going to bed WAY too late, so with the double workout today, I'm going to force myself to get to bed a couple hours earlier and hope to re adjust my sleep schedule to something more acceptably normal!

Alright, that's about it....off to bed!


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