Jan 2nd, 2013

I did not make any New Year's Resolutions.  Instead, my one and only goal (and this is for life, in general) that comes remotely close to making any kind of "resolution" is simply strive to be better each day in at least one productive action.  Whether it be as a teacher, as a violinist, or as a wife, woman and friend.  I would like for each day to involve something that has me bettering myself outside of what my normal routine is.  It can be anything stemming from the mundane to the ambitious (think: keeping my bathrooms clean on a more regular basis to doing P90X a couple times a week), but other than what I do for my job, I'd like for each day to see me pushing myself outside of my comfort zone (or lazy zone).


Today is my last day off, so I'm off to complete some errands, make dinner, and do another 5K (or more?) on the rower.  I did an easy row yesterday [also a 5K] and I suspect I'll be doing more workouts on the rower since it's kind of icy outside.  You all already know I hate the gym unless I can have it all to myself.  So I'm pretty much limited to rowing and running outside.

How are you all doing getting back into the routine after the holidays?


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