Friday Night

Today's double workout:  Rowed 3.34 miles; ran 2.6 miles

Got my row done and out of the way this morning and then spent some time checking emails and eventually deciding to reschedule music lessons for tomorrow due to the weather and the reports I was getting from some parents.  After realizing that I could have the day off, I got some household crap I've been putting off out of the way.  One big thing I'd been needing to do but dreaded doing was emptying and deep cleaning the refrigerator.  Ugh!  BUT, I got it done and I feel sooo much better now when I walk into my kitchen and open that fridge up, just to see it sparkling right back at me.

Once Ryan got home, we decided to grab some pizza at this local joint where he and I split a meatball sub (the best I've had so far) and got a large pizza with pepperoni, onions and banana peppers.  As we were walking into the pizza place, we heard a dog barking from a truck parked in front; as we got closer, we could see that it was a yorkie and I got this "deja vu" feeling all of a sudden.  I finally realized why and I shrieked out loud to Ryan, "omigosh! THAT'S the yorkie in the red truck I saw when I was at the bank drive-thru the other day! It's the same one...remember?!" 

He just gave me this "you're crazy, lady" look.  Explanation: the other day I was at the bank ATM, and when I stopped at the stop sign before turning out of there, this red pick up truck rolled by me and the first thing I noticed was this adorable yorkie looking at me from the driver's lap.  I then noticed the driver--this older man--and of course, I let out a huge, "awwww" out loud to myself.  I just go crazy whenever I see other yorkies.  Anyway, I told Ryan about it, and then tonight I saw the same dog, same truck, and after stepping inside, the same driver who shot me a glance on his way out.  It was funny and eery at the same time.

Anyways!  Gotta wrap this up--just got done with my run and have to shower before snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie with the hub.  Night night.


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