There's more to life than just food...JUST KIDDING!!!

This past weekend, we had some friends over and unfortunately for Ryan and (mostly) for myself, they LOVE to eat and they absolutely love their carbs.  Ryan and I definitely enjoy food, of course--but we're also just as equally caring about our fitness and health.  This particular friend is part Japanese and has a CRAZY metabolism; basically he eats non-stop and never gains weight.  Sucks for the rest of us who have to work at it!
Anyhow, whenever we get together, we know that the theme of our visits will be food.  The gastronomic activities began as soon as they arrived Friday night with dinner at Arepazo in Gahanna.  I got crab cakes with fried plantains, rice and beans;  Saturday, we all slept in and then had brunch at Nancy's Home Cooking in Clintonville where I had a ridiculously huge pancake and corned beef hash.  The waitress strongly suggested I cut a hole in my pancake and then pour syrup into it before eating--THAT'S how big it was, my friends :)
About an hour later, everyone except myself wanted some Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams (no trip to or through Columbus should ever be made WITHOUT visiting this place.  The best ice cream EVER. The end.  With that being said, I was too full for ice cream, which is why I passed).  It was emotionally painful to step into Jeni's glorious shop without walking out with a dish of heaven, but I truly was stuffed and knew I would just hate myself if went through the motions of inserting more food into my mouth with no room for it to go.

Once we got home, the guys grilled some steaks they got at Anderson's General Store and we paired that with roasted potatoes and green beans plus some vino.

Sunday rolled around and I got up a little earlier to snag some ingredients at the grocery for sausage lasagna that I wanted to make for dinner later.  Once I got back home and prepped dinner, we left to have lunch at Piada's Italian Street Food where I, once again, ate too much and hated myself.  Since our guests had to leave Sunday evening, we ate dinner a little earlier than we would have liked to and at that point, we were all kind of forcing ourselves to eat since it had only been a few hours since lunch.  Blech.

But there you go: a decadent weekend with some friends.  Enjoyable, but glad it doesn't happen too often!  I have a feeling this week is also going to fly by.  All the more reason to make the most of it and workout harder...


Hannah said…
Gaby said…
I know! I'm sorry! :( I just have such a crappy, I never think about taking pictures as I'm eating. Too busy stuffing my pie hole :)

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