Aaand...more food!

The day after my birthday, my mother-in-law and my parents met us at one of our new favorite restaurants in Columbus, 101 Beer Kitchen and I remembered the other day that I actually took some pictures (so maybe I'm not such a failure of a blogger then?)...
My pork schnitzel sandwich with egg

my brother got the Forest pizza--mushrooms, balsamic drizzle and smoked gouda

Dad got a burger

The past couple of weeks have been going pretty well in that I haven't gotten any junk or take out as a last resort after working.  I've tried to plan out meals either on Sunday or the night before.  Last Wednesday I made Chicken Tarragon:

It was pretty tasty, but the only thing I didn't enjoy about making this was having to quarter a whole chicken...mainly because I didn't do a very good job of it.  In retrospect, it would have been smarter to just buy chicken legs or breasts with the bone in rather than try to butcher the chicken myself (although I was just trying to follow the recipe).

Last night, I made Chicken Parmesan sandwiches that were alright.  I had some brussels sprouts that were going to go bad, so I roasted those and served them as well;  when I took a picture of the two, Ryan gave me a strange look and said, "You know, those two don't go together, right?"  I think he was nervous about me posting it on my blog.

 What he doesn't realize is that the world of bloggers is a very caring, non-judgmental one...or at least, we'll never know if we're judging each other (unless you leave a nasty comment!) because most of us don't actually know each other in person.  In reality, we're all just a bunch of narcissistic people who also enjoy stalking other bloggers and looking at their pictures.  :)

Tonight, I'm hoping to make some sesame chicken with rice.  The more I think about it, take-out or fast food starts to become truly disgusting the more I cook for myself at home.  I've
  never actually had anything out that I didn't think I couldn't replicate or do better at home in my own kitchen.

Today is my day off...lots of household stuff to do!


Hannah said…
And now I'M really hungry! That all looks delcious, especially the sandwich with the egg on it.

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