Time: Is it REALLY on our side?

You know, I just spent about an hour scrolling through my entire blog from the first post (which technically, isn't my first blog post ever) and let me tell you--time has FLOWN by, people!  There are times I feel uneasy about having this thing  for all or any to see; but the few times a year I "reminisce" and look back on old posts, I'm really glad I continue to record the events--small or big--that happen daily or weekly.  There have been some stuff I completely forgot about, and others that I thought had just happened not long ago, but turned out to be 2 or 3 years ago!  A stern reminder that I really, truly have to make the most of out of each passing day.

It's in my nature, and always has been, to think I have oodles of time to get things done.  "Didn't work out today? Ohh, there's always tomorrow!",  "Didn't finish working on that concerto? You can always do that next week!"  And on, and on.

Well, here I am.  I don't want to be the person who spends her whole life regretting and hating herself, but, wow.  This blog has really helped me realize that time is, indeed, valuable.

Those are my thoughts for today.  Sunday's plans include making a much-needed trip to the grocery for the entire week's menus, completing either a row workout or any kind of cardio, and mentally preparing myself for my first full work week after a long stretch of holiday vacation.

Question:  Has maintaining a blog helped you in any way...or has it been a hindrance?  Really would love your thoughts!  And thanks, as always, for reading this silly little thing...


Hannah said…
I love looking back and reading old posts. I treat many of my posts as quasi-diary entries, so it's fun to see how I felt and what I did in the past.

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