Christmas sales and annoying people that go with it

Well, Christmas day was the ultimate "veg out" day for our whole family yesterday.  Everyone somehow woke up extremely late (we had opened our gifts the night before, so no one was up at the crack of dawn like little kids), and then shortly after we woke up, my mom and I got the case of the "sleepy's" and took a 4-hour nap in the afternoon.  Blegh.  Definitely not a productive Christmas day, but no one felt guilty about it!

This morning, I attended church with my mom and then the whole family met up at the best Indian buffet--Bombay Sitar in Belden Village--where we stuffed ourselves on curry, mango lassi and naan.  We decided to brave the crowds at the mall to see if there were any good after Christmas sales, but there weren't really any.  I still managed to get a cute sweater from Talbots, however, and a fleece jacket that fit me perfectly at Gander Mountain, despite the fact that I found in the kids section:P

We also stopped in at Wal-mart, where we unfortunately had to witness my husband get into one of his famous confrontations with some white trash-y looking girls who were holding up the line at a self-checkout lane.  Ryan has no problem calling people out on their stupidity, but most people wouldn't have the balls to say anything, even if they wanted to.  The downside to that quality, though, is that it makes for a very awkward and scary scenario for me sometimes.  It was a little infuriating to hear those girls bad mouthing him on their way out, but oh well.  It doesn't seem to faze Ryan.

Okay, well gotta go, b/c the family wants to watch something together.  Hope everyone's weekend was great!


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