Nearing the End

For my birthday yesterday, we mostly hung around the condo--me on my shiny new laptop, Ryan on PS3 playing COD: Black Ops:P--but at some point, we both decided we needed to get out, especially since it birthday:)  We first attempted the Olive Garden, but for whatever reason, it was packed for a Wednesday evening.  We then drove around aimlessly, shooting down all the options of miserable chain restaurants that C-bus has to offer.  We finally settled upon a place nearby called Cap City Diner which turned out to be excellent.  Even though it has the name 'diner' in it, it's actually more of a finer dining 'diner'.  Ryan got the fish and chips, while I chose the southern chicken which was the best I've had so far.  The batter was atypical of your usual southern fried was sweet and scrumptious, and I finished the rest today for my lunch.  Mmmm.  Instead of ordering dessert there, we opted to get Buca di Beppo's amazing tiramisu, since they always give you so much.  We then came home and watched a movie called "Frozen"--it was alright.  Better than I expected, but still not the greatest.

Well, I guess today was my last "real" day of vacation (my definition of a vacation day:  where I do absolutely nothing productive at all) since I'm teaching for 5 hours tomorrow.  Afterwards, we're off to Middletown to celebrate New Years with the in-laws and exchange belated Christmas gifts since we spent it with my family last weekend.

I really enjoy traveling to see our respective families, but like Ryan said when we got back to our house a few days ago, "It's nice to be home"--our home.  Things are so much more calm and easygoing when it's just the two of us here together.  No obligations to fill our day with nonstop activities, but also, having the option to go out and do something if we get sick of sitting around.  Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with both our families, but just sometimes, the balance of doing something/not doing something is out of whack when we're intermingled with a bunch of people who have different schedules/plans/interests.

I decided that Monday is the day I get started on my regimented routine of consistent exercise and violin practicing.  In my head, I've even vowed to stop using Facebook (not blogging though; I feel like I'll appreciate a record of memories in the future) so that I don't waste any precious time with accomplishing what it is I'd like to do.   There are a few specific things I'm practicing hard for, but I won't say just yet what it is until the dates get closer, because I need to make sure I'm a) really doing these things, and b) I'm satisfied with where my playing is at as the dates approach.

Have a safe and wonderful New Year!!


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