Vacation Mondays = NOT Getting Me Down! (it's a Karen Carpenter song...I know I'm lame)

Sitting here in my parents' newly renovated kitchen, typing this post and eating the lovely burrito my sweet mom made for me.  Unfortunately, I can't post any fun pics because my a) camera is back home in C-bus and b) I can't find the battery charger for it, so it's useless anyways.

So far, not much has happened except I slept in again and am still in my pj's.  After lunch here, I'll probably get ready and head out with my mom to hit the after christmas sales again.

It's very quiet around here, and I'm loving it.

If you all are on your vacation as well, hope you're having a peaceful and enjoyable break.  If not, hope you can at least find some time to enjoy the sales!!


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