Random weekend stuff

This lovely weekend started off with a few makeup lessons, and now that I'm back at home, I'm just waiting for myself to muster up the will to clean up this place.  I tend to want to do housework type stuff when I should be doing OTHER things like practicing, or getting ready to go teach.  Of course when I'm done with those things and find myself back at home staring at the long list of chores to do, I do exactly that: stare at them blankly.  And then I go read some blogs or watch a movie on Netflix instead.

I'm hoping to turn our spare room into a guest room since at least two couples will be needing a place to stay when they visit in the next couple of weeks.  We used to have a guest bed, but when we moved into the smaller apartment on the west side of Columbus, we got rid of it.  I'm mad that we now need to get another one:(

I have no idea what is going to happen to this condo.  I'm so worried that the moment I start decorating and painting, that's when Ryan will say "we're putting this on the market and I want to be out of here in 6 months".  Whether it will sell is another question, too. 

Oh screw it.  I'll do what I want...when I want to.

Tomorrow morning, one of my students is playing in a Christmas cantata at her church and I said I'd try to go, so I probably should.  I hope I can wake up for the early service.  Later on, in the afternoon, another student is playing in a quintet at Denison U., so since Ryan and I love to make trips to Granville, OH. I'm hoping he'll also come along for the ride.  Even though he hates going to concerts.  Yes, he used to be a classical violinist.  He's the only violinist I've ever met that abhors sitting through symphonies, going to other people's recitals (other than his wife's) or listening to violin music, in general.  Perhaps it was all those 3AM-8-hours-a-day practice sessions throughout high school that did him in.  And even though he was in the Starling prep program and won a full talent scholarship to CCM, he unfortunately got burnt out by the time he arrived as a freshman.  If I could go back in time and switch places with him...

Maybe I'd be the burnt out one, though.  Who knows.

Anyways, here's hoping for a cleaner house and a more relaxed me by the end of the weekend.


Anonymous said…
I often get invited to stuff my students are singing at--though it would be fun to see them in their school plays/musicals...theoretically...I have never made it. Hope you make it see your student in the morning!
Gaby said…
she was actually playing the violin in the orchestra...but ahh! I still didn't make it cuz of the crappy weather. Stuck indoors all day. i really get a kick out of seeing them perform, though...hopefully next time!

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