It's Almost Here!!!

Yes! One more day until freedom!  Actually, today didn't feel like a regular work day because only two students showed up.  I was expecting to teach four, but the last two were a no-show, and when I called the dad to see what was up, he sounded dazed and confused and basically apologized for forgetting to call me.  I didn't care too much, b/c that just meant I got to go home earlier than expected.  I know this whole week is probably crazy for most people, either traveling or preparing their homes for guests.

I'm happy to say that I got pretty much all my Christmas shopping done for my side of the family; I only  managed to find one gift for Ryan--even though it's what he primarily asked for--because it's so hard to buy anything else for him, particularly clothes.  He needs to try them on before getting them, so I just figured I'll wait until after Christmas and we'll go shopping together.

My parents told me they didn't want anything (they always say that every year), but since I was persistent in asking, my dad finally said to only get stocking stuffers.  I also had the idea of taking them out to their favorite restaurant. But at any rate, I got things for everyone because, well, it's CHRISTMAS!  I feel weird leaving people out.  For my mom, I got her a gift card to Talbots, her favorite store.  Ryan picked up a large box of Esther Price chocolates for my dad, who--according to my mom--is very into chocolate nowadays.  This sounds terrible, but I now try to stay away from getting anything nice for my grandma, because she either ends up ruining it or just throwing it away.  It's true.  She's old school Chinese and doesn't even sleep in her own bed.  She sleeps in a sleeping bag on TOP of her bed, lol.  I once got her a nice fleece zip up sweater, and next time I visited and saw her wearing it, the sleeves were cut off.  Sigh.  So this year, I just got her a large jar of honey roasted peanuts, b/c I know she eats those all year round.
I decided to shop for my in-laws presents next week since I'll be off and there will probably be sales, too.  Oh! Next week is my birthday, as well.  I keep forgetting about that.  Ever since I entered my twenties, I stopped making huge deals about my birthday; but this year, I think I might treat myself.  I can't decide if I should "make" Ryan take me out to a nice restaurant, or just take myself out for a solitary lunch and read a book.  Both sound appealing to me.  I'll have time to think about that one.

Well, most of the presents are wrapped, laundry's in the wash, and I just need to make sure I've got everything set and ready to be packed for tomorrow.  I teach some students in the morning and we're hoping to leave sometime in the afternoon for Canton, just in time for Christmas eve dinner:)

Hope everyone has safe travels to wherever they're going, and if you're not traveling, have a safe and relaxing Christmas!


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