A recipe

Well, I flaked on the plan to bake cookies for all my students, but I'm still bent on baking some for my husband to bring to his office.  I don't know what it is, but I'm just not a baker.  I've never been great at baking, nor have I ever had a great inkling TO bake.  I'm pretty comfortable doing everything else, though.  I once seriously considered going to culinary school because I was so into cooking, and if I didn't have a job (and someone just took care of all my basic needs), I could be content to stay in the kitchen all day long.

I feel bad.  Every Christmas I intend to bake something for my students, but I just end up not doing it because I don't think it will turn out very well, and I definitely don't want to hand out crap to my students.  Oh well.  Turning them into excellent violinists/pianists will have to do!

This past weekend, I made a chicken pot pie for my guests and this morning I received a message on FB from my friend's mother-in-law requesting the recipe because she heard it was the bomb, and now her pregnant daughter is craving it. Lol.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of it (I can't seem to find the battery charger for my camera), but here's the recipe, handed down to me from my mother, passed on to her from some Southern church lady years and years ago:

Chicken Pot Pie

What you need:
Young, whole chicken (I only spend around $3-4 for one)
Half a bag of baby carrots, chopped
Two small yellow onions, diced
2-3 stalks celery (if you like) chopped
(Whatever other vegetables you like can be added... I vary it depending on what I have in the fridge or what I feel like...this last time I also added frozen green beans and peas)
2 cans of cream of potato or celery...or whatever you've got! The cream of soup is the key...

For the Crust (I usually eyeball this, so if this doesn't seem to make enough, just add more flour/whole milk for the texture you want):

3-4 cups of self-rising flour
3-4 cups of whole milk
pinch of baking soda
pinch of baking powder
one stick of melted butter

1. I start with putting the chicken in a large stockpot and filling it with water. Let it boil and simmer until entire chicken is cooked (maybe 25-30 min?)

2. Meantime, while chicken is boiling, chop all veggies and put them all in large mixing bowl.

3. Take chicken out and let it cool (I've burnt my fingers shredding a piping hot chicken...)

4. While chicken's cooling, mix all ingredients for the crust, until smooth texture. Set aside.

5. Once the chicken's cooled, and you've picked all the meat off, you can mix the chicken and veggies all together in the same bowl and pour both cans of creamed soup in, as well. Once it's all mixed, pour into a large baking dish and spread evenly. Pour the crust mix over the top and spread evenly.

6. Bake at 400 degrees for 40-45 min. or until crust is light brown/golden.

7. Enjoy!! 

First student of the day canceled, so I'll probably head out and grab a Starbucks and maybe squeeze a little practice time in today.  I don't teach for too long tonight, so thankfully dinner won't be made at an ungodly hour like last night.  Christmas shopping still hasn't happened.  I'm thinking tomorrow morning.  Maybe.


Anonymous said…
"Turning them into excellent violinists/pianists will have to do!"
Love it!

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