Happy Pre-Thanksgiving Day!

I know I've been MIA, but I wanted to drop a quick post before I go out of town and am absent even more.  Or maybe not--I may find myself twiddling my thumbs while at my parents house and wander over to the computer and write a super interesting post about how much food I ate over the holiday weekend.

Anyways, I have today off because I squished all my students into Monday and Tuesday so I wouldn't have to be stressed about all the things on my to-do list.  Originally, I had this grand plan to make ALL the dishes and desserts I'm making for T-day in advance, but then I remembered that it would be more of a hassle to load food into my car along with three individuals' worth of luggage, three furry animals (and one that sheds--my brother's cat, ick) a PS3 system and recording equipment (what the heck? my brother insisted).  So I just decided I will get up at the butt crack of dawn and start chopping/boiling/baking and hope that it's all ready by the time guests arrive.

So one of the items on my errands list was to stop by Sam's Club and grab a couple big bags of brussel sprouts for tomorrow.  Would you believe that they were all out?  What the heck?  I thought most people hated brussel sprouts!  So I left Sam's in a huff with just a quart of half and half in my hand (yes, the guy checking everyone's carts laughed at the one item in my hand.  The norm is to walk out with carts and carts of crap), and drove over to Trader Joe's where, thankfully, they had my beloved brussel sprouts.  After accomplishing most of the things on my list, I decided to reward myself with a quick trip to Ann Taylor Loft and got myself some skinny corduroy pants I've been wanting for awhile plus a beige sweater/poncho.

Now, I just need to finish the rest of the laundry, bathe the dogs and wait for the hubby and my brother to come home so we can load the car and be on our way!

Wishing everyone a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving!


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