Vivaldi and Gingerbread Cookies

Today was a pretty relatively slow and stress-free day.  Arrived at Central Presbyterian in downtown Columbus for a quick rehearsal and performance for what was apparently the last service there before they close their doors.  The church is a historical landmark, but sadly has suffered a loss in size of their congregation so they can no longer maintain the church.  It's sad.  I have no idea what will happen to it, but I suppose playing Vivaldi's Gloria with choir was a nice way to hold their last service.

After, I stopped by Easton town center to get in a quick look at some of my favorite stores, but I only left with one pair of black slacks which is just another boring item to add to my collection of concert attire.  I'm not really into any of the trends I'm seeing this season--or maybe they just don't look great on me.  Either way, leisure shopping has become a chore for me in recent years, so unless I go with a friend, I probably won't be doing that again any time soon.  All my clothes are taking up two closets in our house anyways.  I really don't need anything.

I also stopped by the grocery store to pick up some items to make gingerbread cookies and stuff for our dinner.  I had to make another pit stop because the first store didn't have any gingerbread cookie cutters.  My first attempt at them turned out relatively well, although my husband was WAY more excited about decorating them than I was, lol.  He had requested them all week, so I finally decided to be a good wife and try them out.  I admit, it's way too early for Christmas stuff, so I'll be holding off on making them again until we get closer to the holidays.

I know everything I've been giving thanks for is related, but today I'm super grateful for our easy access to stores for anything we need, whether it's for groceries or anything else. Sometimes I whine over stupid things, but when it comes down to it, my life is full of blessings a hundred times over.  I need to always remember that.


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