Students and Brussel Sprouts

I was tired after coming home from teaching last night, and the hubs had a tiny nerd get-together at our place, so I just crawled into bed. 

Today, I went to a student's chamber concert and then ran around doing different errands.  Tomorrow morning, I'm up bright and early for a small rehearsal and performance for a church service downtown.

Before I go to bed, however, I do want to say how thankful I am for my students.  I love them all and I have a great group of kids this year.  There are an exclusive number of kids that have been with me long term and are dedicated to sticking with me (until they're ready to move on), but the majority of my studio each year experiences a regular turnover, and I'm so lucky that each one brings a unique and entertaining personality to their lesson each week!  They definitely teach me so much more than I expect and they motivate me to continually improve myself as a teacher and musician so I can give them my best.

On a completely different note, I snatched a huge bag of brussel sprouts from Sam's Club tonight out of curiosity to see if I would actually like them; I baked them with just a simple drizzle of EVOO and kosher salt  They're our new favorite vegetable and hubby demanded we turn them into a mandatory side dish for Thanksgiving.

On the agenda tomorrow after church:  some shopping, some practicing and attempting to make gingerbread cookies for the first time.  Hope your weekend is going well!


sarah marie said…
I have a lot of turnover too... I hadn't realized how much until I glanced through some old planners from years gone by recently and saw SO many names that aren't studying violin anymore, and so many new ones now! I should count how many students I've taught in the past six years... on the other hand, it might be depressing. It's hard not to be discouraged by the regular turnover of students, for me at least.
Gaby said…
Isn't it amazing? I KNOW I must have taught hundreds of people in the past 10 years. Wish I could remember every single one, but it's almost impossible. Makes me wonder how hard it must be for my former college professors to remember their students. perhaps the interesting ones stick out a little more clearly:)

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