Cheers to 2012!

My new year hasn't gotten off to such a spectacular start as I stayed up REALLY late and got up not too long ago:(  But even though it's technically Jan. 1st, it doesn't feel like the new year yet, because I actually don't start my marathon training until tomorrow.  So, unless I fail to follow through with the training, I won't feel too guilty just yet.
I'm not making any resolutions.  We all know that making resolutions is a setup for major disappointment because most people don't always follow through with them [*raises hand*].  The only tangible goal I've made so far is this marathon, and I'm pretty determined to go through with it, well, because I already registered and there are no refunds or cancellations, lol.  I've also already told a few people about it, so I know I'd feel pretty foolish to just decide NOT to do it along the way, unless something huge happens, like a serious injury or tragedy.
As far as other goals go, I do have the usual that are in the back of my mind, like: practice more, cook more at home, blah blah blah...
It would be nice, of course, to follow through with those, too--but in general, I think the thing I want most for myself for this year and the rest to come is to just BE.  To be in the moment and take advantage of what I have.  I have no health problems or disabilities--why not make it stronger by exercising (or running a marathon?!); I am a good cook and I enjoy it for the most part--why not be more organized with my time so my husband and I can enjoy a healthy home-cooked meal most days of the week so we don't have to ruin our bodies or minds with junk food as a last resort?  I love playing my violin and I love teaching my students--why continue to torture myself with lack of discipline resulting in sub-par playing (and disappointment in myself) when all I need to do is set aside a few hours a day--start with 2 or 3--to build myself back up and start feeling stronger and more secure in my skills.
I know.  It's a lot easier coming up with solutions on paper.  A lot harder to bring them to fruition. SO.  If any of those things don't turn out perfectly, I'm not going to be disappointed.  Life happens.  I'm still very happy with how 2011 panned out.
Here are what I can immediately come up with as the highlights of 2011 for me (sorry there are no fun pictures--maybe another goal should be to finally get that usb cable and battery charger for my camera so I can start posting pics!):

January--went on a weekend trip to Cleveland with my parents to help them celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.
February-April-- I'll be totally honest:  nothing major comes to mind, except I just did a lot of teaching and did do an orchestra audition which was a MAJOR flop, because I did all the wrong things (including failing to practice or prepare) and walked away from it deflated, and yet, determined to never, EVER do another audition again unless I was utterly prepared.
May-- Ran the Race for the Cure 5K, and then did a fun photo shoot afterward.  I remember that as being the longest Saturday ever.  I think somewhere in there, I may have also done a student recital, but I'm not sure.  Did another 5K in Canton at the end of the month.
June-- Went to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas with my family! A very memorable trip (of which I swear I have pictures that are still IN my camera).
July-- Might have been one of the hotter months of the year, but I recall running a lot this month. Also did the Dublin 5K.
August-- Ummm, probably more running and a little more practicing for a local audition.
September-- Did my longest run to date, the Indian Run 20K in about 2'20 something" in Hocking Hills, OH.  I will definitely do this race again next year.  Scenery was gorgeous and peaceful.
October-December-- The last few months of 2011, did zero running (except for maybe one or two instances) because I injured myself running a halfie on my own with a friend soon after the Indian Run.  Played a ton of concerts and gigs the past few months.

It would be nice if I could see more running and traveling in my 2012 recap for next year!  It doesn't seem like I did a whole lot based on the above list, but I know there's probably stuff I'm forgetting, plus, it's the small stuff that makes our lives interesting, right?

What are your goals or hopes for 2012?  What aspect of 2011 are you fondly looking back upon?

Wishing everyone a healthy, productive and truly happy New Year:)


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