I just want to be WELL already!

Ugh, I still didn't feel well today, so I made a ton of phone calls to parents to see if they could reschedule lessons for another time this week.  I always feel so guilty and terrible when something like this happens, as I HATE being behind with kids' lessons, and of course, we all silently know that piling makeup lessons doesn't really do anything to actually bring a child up to speed with their instrument.  It's just a formality to make sure parents get their tuition's worth of lessons.  I don't mind when I"m the one that has to cancel, since that's my responsibility.

I took some tylenol and drank tea in hopes of getting rid of my massive headache that lasted all weekend.  I am starting to feel better than before, but I'm being cautiously optimistic about a full recovery.  I made a much-needed trip to the grocery to stock up on my fruits and vegetables, and also picked up vitamin gummies, which I've never tried before.  I took four when I got home, and it took some restraint to not down the whole bottle since I LOVE anything that's gummy:P

I had wanted to make something Asian this weekend in honor of the Chinese New Year, but I never got around to it, well, because I was busy being miserable in bed.  I found a recipe for General Tso's Chicken online that looked good, so I'm going to try that later tonight after I rest a bit.  I also picked up baby bok choy to go along with the chicken.

There's another Republican debate tonight--anybody following those?  I like to pretend like I care and am on top of politics, but truth be told, I'm kind of turned off by both political sides and wish everyone could get along.  I personally hate how politics divides people.  I know I can get sucked into all the arguing and bickering, but after all the bickering ends, I'm left with a bad feeling AND minds aren't changed whatsoever in the end.  So why even go there?  The hubby and I have watched every single debate and turned each one into an evening event, but once we'd sit down and watch, I'd immediately start doing other things--like reading blogs, blogging, checking email, etc.--and hardly listen to a single word.  I guess I'm starting to think that it's just the same thing over and over again.

Sigh, I hope, hope, HOPE this is the last time I'm sick for a very long time.  Running and lots of other things have suffered because of it.  This isn't acceptable!

Has anyone else gotten sick this month and are behind on the things (resolutions, goals, routines) you planned so hard for?


I've got 3 sick kids this morning. Hoping not to succumb, myself. I, also, hate rescheduling lessons.

Hope you feel better soon!

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