Just an average weekend

I went for my 6 mile run yesterday and ran at a comfortable pace the whole time.  Near the end of the run, I felt like one of my feet was starting to feel funny, but I slowed down a little and tried to shake it out and luckily, it felt alright and it doesn't hurt now or anything.  I really hope that's not a bad sign, though.  I'm worried that I might have a mileage limit, and that my body will just break down after a certain mile; but I keep telling myself that I'm in training right now, and as I gradually build the miles, my body will adapt.  I hope that's the case!

Today, I did some deep cleaning and in the middle of the day, I started getting the sniffles.  It doesn't feel like a cold, but more like allergies.  Blah, I hope that's all it is and that I'm not getting sick--that would seriously end my no-sick streak!

I always feel so much better after doing some seriously cleaning (there's still a lot of cleaning to do, too) and now I'm in bed sipping some Oolong tea while watching back to back episodes of United States of Tara.  It's actually not that great of a show, but I do enjoy Toni Collette's character who has multiple personality disorder.  It's pretty entertaining.

Anyways, back to the grind tomorrow!  Hope I'm back to normal tomorrow morning:)


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