Sick again

This week took a bad turn last night when I started feeling a cold coming on again.  Sure enough, when I woke up for orchestra rehearsal this morning, I felt terrible.  Ryan tried to convince me to skip the rehearsal, but as we have a concert next week, I felt bad about missing.  I'm glad I went, though; this is an amateur orchestra that the principal cellist of the Columbus Symphony asked me to help out with, and as is the case with amateur players (nothing against being amateur, don't get me wrong!), counting is all over the place, and it's always executed with one dynamic: fortississimo!  I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of their mistakes, but if there's ever a question about misplaced counting or notes, most people are timid about bringing it up.  I couldn't take it anymore, so I requested that the violin sections go over all the hairy places alone so we could finally get it together.  Problem solved!
Right after rehearsal, I rushed across town to coach a small chamber group I put together with some young students of mine.  They were incredibly cute and it was so much fun to see them work together and to help them work on communicating with each other so they could begin and end their piece without me conducting them.

I came home and went straight to bed and fell asleep for a few hours.  I still don't feel well.  I'm thankful that my sore throat went away, but I feel like there's a furnace going on inside my body.  I'm confused why I got sick again so soon after already being sick--this hasn't happened to me before.  Maybe it's time for me to start taking daily vitamins.  I still drink a lot of coffee which dehydrates me, and I don't do a very good job of balancing it out with water.

I'm hoping and praying this icky feeling dissolves completely by the end of tomorrow so I can continue on with my running schedule and stay on top of my teaching and everything else.  Hope your weekend was better than mine!


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