First weekend in March

I am feeling the "blogger blahs" lately:  not feeling particularly excited to chat about anything really, but still wanting to maintain some kind of cyber presence.  I'm a weirdo, I know.

I am so glad February is over.  Not because it was necessarily rough for me (my life is anything BUT rough, if we're going to be honest here) but because the hubs had a crazy month at work and I barely got to have any face time with him.  For the past 4 weeks, as soon as he would set foot home, he'd be right on the couch with his work laptop working some more literally until it was time to go to bed.  And often, he wouldn't go to bed until midnight or 1am only to wake up 5 or 6 hours later to go back to work.  I felt bad for him.
I'm not going to bore anyone with details, but  he's been working very hard in hopes of furthering his career at his current company because--and he and I have stopped talking to death about it, and I haven't talked much about it on here--we want to start a family.  But that can NOT happen until yours truly can stop working and be a full-time stay at home wife/mom.  And that just isn't feasible for us right now.

We have plenty of friends and know people who didn't wait for the "right" circumstances to start their family and have ended up just fine, albeit with some uncertainties along the way.  They have also been incredibly lucky to have gotten a lot of help from their families, too.  Ryan and I made the conscientious decision to not have to burden anyone else to accommodate our desires (ie, force my parents to move closer to us to help out with grandkids, etc.) and to also make sure we are absolutely, positively financially stable.  I would say that we are all of that right now, but only because I am also contributing to our finances currently.  If I were to stop altogether, it would be a little scary.

SO.  I've been patient.  Really patient.  And Ryan's been working hard...very hard.  There are no guarantees or promises, but in the next few months we'll be finding out if all his hard work paid off...and if that translates into any bigger life changes for the two of us.  If I can have a vulnerable moment here, then I'll admit that this is my deepest, strongest desire right now and has been for probably the last 3-4 years.  I want to be a mom so very badly.  I'm not getting younger, but I'm also in total agreement with my better half that we should do everything we can to be responsible--especially in the current shaky economy and society that we live in.

I've learned over the years that it's silly to compare myself to anyone else's timeline.  I know we all have different stories, different circumstances and lifestyles.  But in the meantime, I try to distract myself with working out, devoting my energy into my students and any other silly interests/projects I may have.

Anyways.  Probably TMI, more than you needed to know, but it's there.

Rowed 3.4 miles earlier this afternoon and have to teach one lonely makeup lesson at a student's home nearby.  No plans for this evening, other than practicing a little for a concert tomorrow afternoon, and possibly more individual practicing as I keep toying with the idea of scheduling a solo recital for perhaps this Fall.  Not sure what should be on the program.  Definitely no sonatas (or "filler music" as I call them).

I'm considering doing Zumba--anyone currently doing that or has tried it in the past?  What did you think?

Sorry, I know this post is all over the place.  My brain has literally vomited all over this post.  I'll shut up now.


Hannah said…
Sonatas as filler music?! You're SUCH a violinist...all Ysaye then, right? ;)
sarah marie said…
Haha you are hardcore, planning a recital with no 'filler music'! I prefer giving recitals with all filler music, HAH! I have said so many times I'd do a recital 'just because' but when it gets down to it, I never do.. only full recitals I've given have been junior, senior, and master's. I'm lazy I guess! So here's a suggested program for you:
Ysaye (as Hannah recommended above)
Arvo Part
solo Bach
Ravel Tzigane or a Wieniawski Polonaise

;-) Have fun! Make sure to invite me!
sarah marie said…
Also, I can totally understand wanting to start a family and having that heavy on your heart. Going to grad school was all about redirecting and distracting myself ;) while my husband wasn't feeling "ready" (does anyone ever feel really ready?). For what it's worth, it's possible to have a baby and not spend a whole lot of money, but I also understand wanting to be responsible on the whole career thing. I hope that all works out for you guys!

PS that chocolate chip cookie recipe you posted a link to a while back? Holy amazing yum.
Gaby said…
Hannah and Sarah Marie: you guys called it, lol. Of course only in my mind am I hardcore about not wanting to play any "filler music". Anything other than that is simply intimidating and would require a definite daily 6 hours of practice for me. But hey! Don't you ever wish you could attend a recital with all edge-of-your-seat repertoire?!?!
So yeah...Ysaye No.3, Tzigane, Bach Partita No.2 and Paganini 24. Piece of cake.

Uhhhhhhh. :)
Gaby said…
Sarah-- thanks so much for the thoughts and encouragement. I really appreciate it!

I know there are a lot of cookie recipes out there, but yeah! I keep going back to that one recipe...just made a batch last night. My husband brought home a cookie from Cheryl's (a Columbus gourmet cookie shop) and I totally reached for my OWN sea salt chocolate chip cookie. Yeah! Glad you like 'em!

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