Unsolved Mystery

So about that strange thing that happened yesterday evening (and for the record, this isn't meant to be over-hyped, it's just that I can't wrap my head around what exactly happened, so bear with me!):

Yesterday was my day off as I already mentioned in the last post.  I spent part of the afternoon running errands and came back home around 4:30pmish.  As is the routine, I typically unload my car and then take my dogs out to go potty.  Our Yorkie, Zoe, is really good about not having accidents, and so we let her roam the house when we're not home; our other dog, Phoebe, has separation anxiety (she was adopted with a few problems, but we love her) and we have to put her in a crate, even for just an hour.
So anyways, I specifically remember letting my dogs out and then going back inside the house--this part is important--because I had to lure Zoe back inside with the promise of a treat.  Usually if I take the dogs out in the middle of the day, I do it without their leashes since most people in our area are at work, so there are no other dogs to worry about.  But when this happens, Zoe is pretty stubborn about coming back inside when I call her, so I had to bribe her with a treat.  We went inside and I gave both dogs their treats and for the rest of the evening until Ryan arrived home, I am POSITIVE I did not take the dogs out again.  I spent the next two hours in the kitchen unloading groceries, cleaning, going upstairs and getting dirty laundry, going to the basement to load the washer and dryer.  Right before Ryan got home from work around 6:45pm--around 6pm--I decided to rearrange some furniture in our living room to play around with what would look better.  Somewhere along the way, I vividly remember my dog, Zoe, following me around the house and into our bedroom, because I remember fluffing up some pillows for her to sleep on, which she likes to do.

Keep in mind, I did NOT take the dogs out again since I last arrived home from errands.

Ryan arrived at 6:45pm and I'm in the middle of rearranging furniture.  He doesn't like what he sees and we argue frivolously about my furniture arrangement ideas and he complains about how he had a long day at work and just wants to sit in his usual spot in front of the TV.  In the midst of our arguing, it dawned on me that Zoe never came down to greet Ryan.  She ALWAYS greets Ryan when he comes home.  She'll usually run down the stairs rapidly from her spot in our bedroom where she takes 20 hour naps, practically.  So I interrupt Ryan during our heated discussion and ask, "Where's Zoe?"   We're both quiet and listen for her.  We hear faint barking.  I automatically assume it's coming from upstairs and that maybe I accidentally closed the bedroom door on her and she's barking to be let out.  I go upstairs only to discover that BOTH bedroom doors are wide open.  No Zoe.  We still hear faint barking.  I run back downstairs to the main floor and the barking is a little louder.  I walk over to the front door where Ryan had, not just 5 min. earlier, walked through when he arrived, open our door--and THERE is Zoe, barking angrily right on our front stoop!!!!

Ryan immediately chastised me with, "You LEFT our dog out when you took the dogs out last?! How could you?!"

I'm flabbergasted and speechless.  I tell Ryan that I swear on my life that I did NOT let her out since the last time I took the dogs out, and I'm 1000% positive they both came back inside with me.

Ryan still believes that I must have let them out a second time without remembering and then returned inside with only one dog.

I did not.  I swear I did not.  There was only a 2 hour or so window b/t when I got home and when Ryan got home.  Also, when he got home, the door was locked and I don't remember locking it, but I must have because there is no way to lock that door from the outside (the dead bolt, that is).  I had to unlock it to let him in.

HOW THE HELL did my 10 lb. Yorkie get outside on her own?  I walked up and down our condo on the off chance there was some hole in the wall we never noticed before, but of course there was not, and even if there was, it would be impossible since we live in a town home--the only way our dogs could get out is through the front door and down the steps.  Someone let her out.  It was not me.

I've been freaking out  over this ever since last night at 6:45pm.  My husband thinks I'm either a) Lying/exaggerating or b) Let them out and forgot the one dog and completely forgot that I did.  I swear on both parents' graves (even though they're alive) and the Holy Bible that neither is true.  My own explanation is that something freaky happened (did someone break in? Let her out? Did she run away and find her way back home?) OR that something freaky happened to ME (did I have a momentary lapse in consciousness and let her out and then lock the door immediately after?)

If only Zoe could talk and tell me what the heck happened last night.

So there it is and I know I seem crazy.  I just don't know how to explain this.  I am frustrated to no end.  Only God and Zoe know what really happened, I guess.

All of that being said, I am SO grateful and elated that Zoe is safe and sound.  If she didn't know where we lived or had wandered further off on her own, who knows what could have happened.  It was already dark, too--I am amazed she didn't get hit by a car or taken away by a coyote.

I'm keeping my eye on her extra closely from now on!

Question:  So am I nuts?


Hannah said…
Totally weird! You aren't crazy...BUT...you letting her out and then forgetting is the most logical explanation...
Gaby said…
I know, I know...it is the most logical explanation! I'm just frustrated that I can recall literally every act I made before and after that...if it happened. it's just one big blank, and that's a strange 'blank' to have. I can be absent-minded--sure--but I feel like it's normal to forget something, be reminded of it or retrace the steps and then suddenly have some recollection of it again. It's not happening this time. Argh. Oh well.
Valerie said…
Actually, I think the most logical explanation is that she slipped out the door when Ryan came home. She was probably excited to see him, ran down the stairs, and slipped out the door when it opened only to have it shut on her when she tried to follow him in. It's not uncommon with such small dogs, and it's happened to me once before with my mom's malti-poo. Blame him, not you!
Gaby said…
Valerie--that totally could be what happened...so far, makes the most sense now that I think about it. Wow, thanks!
Jennifer said…
hey, I wanted to post here in case you didn't make it back to my blog to see it. I found some great skinny camo pants a few weeks ago at Nordstrom. Good luck and hope you find some you love!!

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