P90X: Day 2- Plyometrics

I'm just going to do a quickie post about my second day of P90X, because it's getting late and I haven't done much else this evening once getting home from teaching, other than the workout.

Today was plyometrics, basically meaning that there was a LOT of jumping action going on.  If you were to walk in on any of the sets, you'd probably think to yourself, "Huh, that's it? That's pretty easy!" Because that's what I thought the first 10 minutes.  But it's just the continuity that starts to wear on you.  Squats, lunges, deep jumping jacks, leaps in the air, etc. for a full hour?  Yeah, I was sweating.  My legs will thank me tomorrow.

And now, I totally feel cramps coming on.  Super.  Just in time for Friday.  Couldn't have picked a more perfect workout to usher in my monthly bill, huh?  TMI?  Whatever.  Hopefully only women read this.  If you're a guy, then just walk away and pretend you didn't read that.

Going to bed now and praying I can make it through shoulders and arms tomorrow.  Oy.


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