P90X: Day 1

So after months of thinking and thinking and thinking about doing P90X...I finally dragged my butt down to the basement, popped in the first disc and pushed through the 55 minute or so workout.  Day One--Chest and Back--done!


Here's what I was able to do:

- 28 standard pushups
-10 chin ups (assisted with chair)
-13 military push ups
-6 reverse grip chin ups
-10 wide fly pushups
-10 close grip chin ups
-10 decline pushups
-10 (10 lb.) heavy pants
-11 diamond pushups
-20 lawnmowers, both sides w/ 10 lb weights
-8 divebomber pushups
-10 backflys
-10 wide grip pull ups
-15 standard pushups (I was shaking at this point!)
-10 reverse chin ups
-10 military pushups
-10 close grip chin ups
-10 wide fly pushups
-10 (20 lb) heavy pants
-10 decline pushups
-12 lawnmowers (20 lbs.)
-10 diamond pushups
-12 backflys
-8 divebomber pushups

I KNOW I need to really work on my form for a lot of the pushups.  Especially the dive bomber pushups--I have a really hard time with those.  They make it look so effortless on the dvd, but those are hard ones for me to do.

But I'm really glad I got it out of the way.  I've been telling myself that I can "always do a workout in the evenings"...but it usually never works out that way.  I put it off.  I want to get these out of the way first thing before I leave the house.

Just finished a lunch of green on greens:  spring mix salad with brussels sprouts and asparagus on top.  Off to Trader Joe's and maybe some shopping for moi.  I need to post more pics, but my most recent fav find was a cute orange silk blouse I got at Ann Taylor's for $10.  Used to be $100!  I LOVE purchases like those.

My least favorite to-do for the day: finishing up my mileage and expenses for all my 1099's.  HATE doing those!  It's not hard...just a little time-consuming for me.

As far as spring cleaning goes, my house is back to being a wreck in just a week.  Didn't I JUST clean the baseboards, vacuum, and dust like, a few days ago?  At least it feels like it.  It's back to looking like I haven't touched the place in months.  Grrrr.

Forgot to take my "before" pics for P90X.  May have to do that tomorrow.  I really feel sheepish about taking pictures of myself, but I think I really should so I can see if I'm making any progress 1-3 months from now.

That's it for now.


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