Ahhh, peace and quiet

Sigh.  What a long weekend.  We had some company over the weekend and although I always love having people come over, seeing friends, etc.  at some point I'm just looking forward to peace and quiet again.  I have this Friday off completely and I'm really looking forward to it.  I was hoping my husband could get the day off as well, so we could just spend the day together, but not sure if that will happen.

I did manage a couple of short runs early last week and then over the weekend, I went to the gym w/ the hubby and did a 5K on the treadmill.  This morning, I did 5 miles again on the treadmill and felt like I could have kept going, but our friend had to head back so we returned to our house for breakfast.  I still need to shower before heading out so I'll have to cut this short.

Only three and half more weeks before all my students start school again!  Now that the weather seems to be getting back to normal, I'm wishing summer would last just a little longer.  But cooler weather also means more ideal weather for running outside, so that is a good thing.

I ordered a book called "New Rules for Weight Lifting for Women" and I'm excited about venturing into lifting weights since I do think I need to do other things besides running.

I don't think I'm so overly concerned about my weight as long as I know I'm "in shape".  I panicked the day the number on the scale tipped over 100, but honestly, I know that's probably also due to my body changing as I get older, and the fact that I do have more curves than I did when I was in high school.  That's a given.  So maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself to drop 5-10 lbs.  Instead, I think I'll just focus on staying consistent with cardio and strength training and just eating healthy overall.  I have been drinking more water and less soda and I do feel better about that.

Alright!  Time to clean up and teach for four hours.  I'm probably getting ahead of myself here (as I often do), but it would be awesome if I had the drive to go to the gym AGAIN tonight after I taught.  We will see...


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