A "Blah" Kinda Day

I always thought that the warmer seasons were more favorable for when my special monthly "friend" stopped by because, to me, cold temperatures seem to make cramps feel even more unbearable.  But I take it back, because this sweltering heat combined with cramps result in nausea and dizziness.  Not the best feeling. BUT, now I know why my weight didn't budge at all yesterday despite eating less than I normally do and exercising more!  I know, I'm not very smart.  I should know when "my time" is about to come, but I always ignore it.

Anyways, I set out this morning to my studio to teach ONE student and was a little aggravated 30 minutes later when she was a no-show and I had to come back home to do some stuff, only to have to drive back later this afternoon to teach 3 more students.  What a waste of gas.  I'm not sure if I should send an email to this student and "yell" at her for not giving me notice.  On the flip side, today is not a very busy day at all, and despite feeling a little wiped out and bloated, I really, really do not want to use that as an excuse to not work out today.

Okay, I gotta get some housework done and then get an oil change.  Stay cool!


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