My weight: What every woman loves to talk about

Is it too early to start dreaming about Fall?  It's just so friggin' hot right now!  I tried to go out for a run in between my morning and afternoon lessons, but I only lasted for a mile because I thought I was going to collapse from heat exhaustion.  I ended up just going back to my air conditioned studio to do a series of push ups, sit ups and other weird exercises that I figured would be good for me.

The past few days, I've been obsessively stepping on the scale to see what my weight pattern is like.  I normally do not, if ever, check my weight.  Probably only a handful of times a year.  But noticing more rolls in, um, all kinds of places more recently, I started checking more often and I did NOT like what I was seeing!

So I'm trying to be a lot more careful about what I put in my body.  I know I need to drink a lot more water and phase out any sodas and coffee, or just anything that doesn't adequately hydrate my body. {Woohoo!  I'm drinking my morning coffee right now! But it's okay, cuz I'm balancing it out with a protein filled bowl of Kashi cereal.}

I also need to be more hard core about my running routine.  As in, I do it every day!  I'll admit it: it's very hard to do any one thing that's very good for me every single day without missing a day. But unlike before, when I somehow wasn't bothered by my expanding waistline or the muffin top spilling out over my pants, I feel an immense sense of urgency to nip this in the bud.  I'm just too young to have "mom arms" right now, and I'm not even a mom!  So I suppose I'll have to post "stats" to see if I'm actually making any kind of progress.  I haven't weighed myself yet this morning, but I'll go by the past few days I've been doing it and estimate that my regular weight is around 105.4 lbs.  It goes up and down 2-3lbs throughout the day as I eat, make trips to the restroom (ew), exercise, not exercise, etc.

My goal?  I'd like to lose 7-10 lbs.

Okay, before I hear any hemming or hawing or rolling of the eyes....I am SUPER PETITE, PEOPLE!  Maybe not borderline small person--but pretty short.  So aiming for a number below 100 is still reasonable.  If I were a few inches taller, probably not.  When I was in high school, my consistent weight was 95 all throughout.  And I probably did less exercise then than I do now.  My desire is to get closer to that number but be more concerned with muscle tone and trimming any rolls and fat.  If I do that, but still am over 100 lbs. I will be perfectly happy, too.

Since this whole week is supposed to be in the 90s, I'm seeing myself having to make trips to the gym and run on the treadmill, which I hate.  But I'll try to balance that out with weight lifting and other things, too.

I know there are a million methods out there for losing weight or getting in shape--but since I'm pretty confident I know what my body needs, the focus for me will be more activity than just counting calories; in fact, I don't think I'll be doing ANY calorie counting.  I am being more conscientious of what I'm putting in my body, but not necessarily being anal about the numbers.

Wish me luck:(


Hannah said…
Good luck! Do some weight training, that will help too :) How tall ARE you though, goodness, I can't imagine weighing that little and wanting to lose weight, but I'm guessing you are about a foot shorter than me then!
Gaby said…
Haha, yes I'm about 5 feet tall, very small frame, so a few lbs here and there make a HUGE difference.

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