Running when it's 90 degrees = Not Fun

It was really, really hot today during our run.  We also didn't start until noon, so that didn't help.  It was HARD.  Highbanks Metroparks is exactly what it sounds like: hills, hills and more hills!  Gosh, every time I go there, it's like I'm doing it for the very first time because I can never remember where we are or how far we've run.  I'm also always surprised at every hill we encounter ("What? another hill!").  But, as always, we finished.  I forgot to ask my friend what our time was, but at that point, I don't think we cared too much--we just wanted to get to the end without breaking down:(

I also realized how dehydrated I am. I don't drink nearly enough water.  I'm reminded of this every time I go for a run.

I have to say, other than the run earlier, I didn't do much else and I only have one student today.  So I suppose that means that my long weekend has already started?  Sometimes, it's just nice to not have anything on the agenda for the day.  The hubby and I decided that we wouldn't travel anywhere for the Fourth, since it feels like we've done so much running around this past month--we just want a weekend where we can seriously relax and not have to entertain people or drive long distances.  We'll probably grill some burgers or steaks and hang around the house.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the Jeffersonville Prime Outlet mall with my running buddy, Sandra, and I'm looking forward to that.

Off to teach my solitary student and enjoy the rest of my Friday evening.  Hope you all have a really great holiday weekend, too!


Hannah said…
Grr...summer running! Way to go :)

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