It's a deep, deep burn!

Today, I got up fairly early for a double whammy workout with my running buddy, Sandra.  Double whammy because we first ran up and down the huge steps at Alum Creek reservoir several times and then ran down and up the very steep hill, which was a GREAT cardio workout for us; then we promptly drove back to my condo to workout out at the clubhouse gym where Sandra guided me in lifting weights.  What an awful reminder of how WEAK I am!  My legs and arms felt like Jell-O today.  But, it felt incredible at the same time!  I loved seeing the muscles in my arms working as I did weights for my biceps and triceps--it's enough encouragement to keep at it because I so badly want to get toned.  I'm so tired of the "someday I'll get there" mentality.  No! It's going to happen RIGHT NOW.

Since it's probably not a good idea to do weights every day, I was thinking about incorporating some P90X in the mix to keep things well rounded.  I don't trust myself to stay with the program every single day for 3 months, but I think I'm more likely to do a dvd one or two times a week while I'm still running and doing the weights.

My eating habits have been pretty normal-- as in, I eat three square meals a day, drink more water and juice, maybe one or two snacks in between, but no overeating or horrible junk as of recently.  I don't think I can rely on my diet to change my weight too much, and I'm starting to realize it's most likely because I don't really have excess weight TO lose (please don't hate me:(), and what I really need to focus on is trimming and toning.

On another note, I realize I haven't been talking too much about the violin or teaching lately, and that's just mostly because nothing interesting has been going on, and I haven't put too much concern or effort into that area of my life right now.  I teach pretty much every day most of the time, although a lot of students have been coming and going with summer vacations and what not.  I did lose another great student this month due to a big move out West.  I guess people have to go where the jobs are.

Anytime I'm NOT at my computer, I think of some interesting topic (usually pedagogical or musical) to write about, but then I lose it once I'm in front of the screen.  I'll have to make a list and take the time, maybe, to write a few posts in a row and save them.

At any rate, I have tomorrow off and will say right now that a lot of it will be spent relaxing, but also, I hope to make another successful return to the gym.  I tend to enjoy the gym so much more when I have it to myself.  I don't feel as self conscious then:)

Have a great Friday= )


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